Alma Sauret

Alma Sauret, graduated from Grenoble Art School (ESAD-GV) with a Master’s degree, in her plastic explorations, links her instrumental practice to her theoretical researches on music and language. After an internship with Binaural/Nodar in Portugal, she intends working on diverse sounds shapes fed by anthropology, translation and linguistic archeology. Performances, texts, variations or instruments that she transforms are different ways to bring hesitation back to our postures and our gestures, inherited by using a language or learning a instrument. She externalises her work from languages, knowledges and skills, in order to explore possibilities offered by a spontaneous first perception of the world, by investing in ancient habits, traditions and learning processes. How to feel asperities under gestures polished by the learning process, some traditions or habits? Does those gestures contain any mishap, leading to unexpected experiences? In the manner of dilettanti, her instrumental practice of cello, saxophone, trumpet, guitar or viola da gamba takes its origin in the pleasure of listening. The theoretical research that guides her approach questions musical construction norms such as the note or the limits that linguistics models dictate to our experiences. Translation bring us back to the origins of a word, a gesture or a sound. We get back to the state of many possibilities of variation. Alma Sauret is looking for the instability and asperities that irritate our expectations and our foregone conclusions to bring us further than them.