AM Kanngieser

AM Kanngieser is a geographer and sound artist, working through listening and attunement to approach the relations between people, place and ecologies. Over the past decade she have been focused on experimenting with sonic methods and practices (including field recordings, radio building and training, sonic ethnographies, oral testimonies, songs, sonifications, composition, sound walks) for environmental-geographical research. These methods and their application have been developed through sound events with The Natural History Museum London, Live Art Development Agency, Sound and Music and 2 Degrees Festival/Arts Admin and been variously outlined in papers for interdisciplinary journals including "South Atlantic Quarterly", "WIRES Climate Change", "Progress in Human Geography" and "Environment and Planning D" amongst others. Since 2015 she have focused specifically on a Pacific context through "Climates of Listening", an ongoing project that amplifies movements for self-determination in relation to continuing colonisation through resource extraction, environmental racism and ecological disaster. Working with mainly LGBTQ people and women, she has sought to emphasise the nuanced and variegated ways that communities and people understand, produce knowledge about, and collectively attend to their lived experiences of ecocide. This has included running podcast production workshops with grassroots groups in Fiji and the Marshall Islands for which an Introduction to Podcasting manual was complied with the Fijian audio producers Mere Nailatikau and Krystelle Lavaki-Danford from The Two Fishes show.