Sonic Environments as the Mirror of Culture (As Challenge for Artistic Testimony)
Július Fujak
Wednesday 22 November — Presentations
The paper examines the problematics of how acoustic environments speak about the quality and “suchness” of concrete cultural spaces & time. Various social (non)discursive practices of our civilisation influence very deeply our ways of living in many important dimensions, including spiritual, moral, ecological, economic, political, communication ones among others, what is mirrored in different sonic environments (pleasant or unpleasant, or even destructive) we are situated willingly or (mostly) involuntarily. These phenomena are also the challenge to create artistic testimony in special kind of multidimensional utterance, which can combine, mutate in the dialogical symbiosis the world of sounds with selected semantic references and new experimental music. The author will offer some examples of this approach from his late period dedicated to the project of s. c. “Transparent Sculptures” (published by label Hevhetia 2022).
The paper is a part of scientific project KEGA 041UKF-4/2022 “Preparation of Teaching Texts for Core Subjects of the Cultural Studies Program”.
Július Fujak (1966) – aesthetic scholar, a semiotician of music, experimental composer, and multi-instrumentalist. He graduated at Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava (aesthetics and musical sciences, 1990); Later he became researcher in Institute of Literary and Artistic Communication in Nitra (1996-2007). Currently, he lectures at at Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra (since 2007). His compositions and intermedia projects were performed and broadcasted in many countries of Europe, USA, and China. He has organised for twenty years the international series and festivals of contemporary, unconventional music and intermedia art Hermes´s Ear in Nitra and PostmutArt Fest (1999 – 2020).