Elbe-Labe sonic hyperobject
Polina Khatsenka
Wednesday 22 November — Presentations
A multichannel audio composition is based on a listening event, in which the participating artists made a simultaneous sound recording of the Elbe River using hydrophones at different places along its course (Špindlerův Mlýn, Pardubice, Kolín, Mělník, Ústí nad Labem, Děčín, Dresden, Magdeburg, Hamburg). The joint effort thus creates a sonic hyperobject that maps the constantly changing flow of the river and concentrates different sonic environments from several parts of the river. The work is a recontextualization of the project Eavesdropping Danube, dedicated to Annea Lockwood.
Polina Khatsenka (born 1992 in Minsk) is a media artist from Belarus living in Czechia. Dominant part of her artworks is based on a wide variety of aspects of sound, such as sonic environment, field-recordings, electroacoustic music and spatial sound. Living and studying in Usti nad Labem, she fostered the knowledge in the field of multichannel audio formats and electronic music during a study exchange at Media and Design Faculties at University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf. Polina is currently at the Phd study at the Faculty of Art and Design, Time-based media studio, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University.