Framework radio #769: 2021.09.19 [CENSE]

This mix was premiered by Radio resonance FM on 19.9. 2021
The recordings from this mix were made by CENSE members during the annual Reveil radio event, a 24-hour continuous live broadcasting which took place on May 3, 2021.
You will hear dawn choruses from Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Slovenia and Estonia. It was raining a lot this morning.
00.00 / framework:afield intro
01.20 / Anamaria Pravicencu / Gradina Cișmigiu, Bucharest, RO
03.29 / Csaba Hajnoczy / Felsotold, HU
07.20 / Tomas Šenkyřík / Rusava, CZ
13.28 / Ladislav Železný, Miloš Vojtěchovský & David Danel / Prague, CZ
17.48 / Michal Kindernay / Úpoř, CZ
26.38 / David Petráš & Jakub Juhas / Pezinok, SK
29.13 / Jan Krtička / Liberec-Radčice, CZ
31.31 / Šárka Zahálková – Lázně Bohdaneč, CZ
34.18 / Givan Bela / Tokyo, Hranice/Berlin, Kerminy
35.37 / Givan Bela / Tokyo, Hranice/Berlin, Kerminy
38.50 / Givan Bela / Tokyo, Hranice/Berlin, Kerminy
41.04 / Manja Ristić / Lenga quarry, Korčula, HR
44.44 / Polina Khatsenka / Danube, Traun, AT
44.26 / Slavek Kwi / Cappaduf, IE
46.19 / Slavek Kwi / Cappaduf, IE
50.43 / OR poiesis (a.k.a. Petra Kapš) – Maribor, SI
53.01 / John Grzinich / Varessaare, EE
57.20 / framework:afield outro
Reveil is a project organized by a group of UK sound artists and activists, Soundcamp, which has collaborated for the last 8 years with numerous institutions, public radio stations and initiatives around the globe. During the event, the open microphones from around the globe are accessible via Locus, an online platform for live streaming.
The Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies (CENSE) is an informal network of individual voices coming from various backgrounds. This emerging network aims to foster perceptive and conscious thinking and solutions, addressing developments in the social and cultural fields across Europe (and beyond), related to sound art, eco-musicology, and sound per se, while keeping a central focus on deep environmental and social changes.
Mix by Anamaria Pravicencu and Tomáš Šenkyřík. published as well at
The Framework Radio produced by Patrick