Gilles Malatray
Gilles Malatray aka Desartsonnants is a listening walker, sound landscape specialist, teacher, researcher, living in Lyon, France. Throughout the years, Gilles has built interesting information sources about sound arts: DESARTSONNANTS. Gilles organizes PAS - Sensitive Audio Course, opens Hearing Points and intervenes in many workshops and seminars. His training are in landscape and music, he graduated in literature and artistic projects management at the University Lyon 2. Despite his recurring misconducts in sound arts, he, however, keeps on playing saxophone. “Sound arts and music are not discordant so sometimes, the borders between them are thin and uncertain”.
Paysagiste sonore, promeneur écoutant, inaugurateur de Points d'ouïe, concepteur de PAS - Parcours Audio Sensibles, dénicheurs de Points d'ouïe, aime les paysages sonores partagés, les rencontres, les échanges, les expériences en marche, et plus encore si affinités.