KRAmp: Voda-La-Vida! - gathering

18 August, 2024 to 20 August, 2024

An international meeting KRAmp: Voda-La-Vida! about biodiversity through field recordings, both underwater and above. We invite you to participate in a program starting from exchanges and sharing of knowledge, techniques and equipment, to discuss advances in applied bioacoustics.

Mezinárodní setkání o biodiverzitě, poslouchání, terénním nahrávání, jak pod vodou tak nad vodou. Přijeďte a sdílejte zkušenosti, technické znalosti a vybavení, zůčastněte se rozhovorů o nových směrech třeba v oblastech jako je bioakustika, akustická ekologie. Během víkendu v chráněné zemědělské a přírodní oblasti Vysočiny nabízíme ubytování v kempu se zázemím v budově KRA. Těšíme se na vaši přítomnost a příspěvky: společné vegetariánské jídlo, společné procházky, společné rozhovory u ohně. Neformální a klidné prostředí je ideální pro sdílení a rozvíjení vašich aktivit a zájmů… Co vzít s sebou: stan, karavan, kolo, nebo spacák. Dejte vědět jestli se zůčastníte.

Připravily ve spolupráci:





KRA provides camping grounds and ruins for staying in a protected agricultural and natural area in the Czech Highlands (Vysočina). KRA team is looking forward to your visit and participation in the program. Share meals, walks, talks. There is a space for presenting, discussing, working on recordings.


Sunday 18/08 - ARRIVALS

Evening: shared meal and gathering, inside or outside, according the actual weather conditions

Monday 19/08

10 - 12 AM SHARE YOUR IDEAS and SKILLS: participants explaining their approach or setups for (field) recording

13 -13 Lunch

14 - 16: Jonáš Gruska: On ultrasonic recording, listening, and DIY techniques

Jonas Gruska was born in Czechoslovakia and studied at the Institute of Sonology in Hague and at Music Academy in Cracow. His main focus is chaotic and polymetric rhythms, unconventional tunings, exploration of psychoacoustic properties of sound and field recording. He has created several site-specific sound installations, based on resonant properties of spaces and materials. Gave workshops on sonification, field recording, electromagnetic listening, and programming for artists. He is the creator of Elektrosluch – electromagnetic listening device. Long–time field recordist and lecturer. Currently interested in contrasts of biophonic and antrophonic environements in the city.

Tuesday 20/08

9 - 11 Miloš Vojtěchovský: hands-on workshop Wellness, Hygiene and Soda Bicarbonada or: DIY washing and cleaning which does not kill your own body, your mind and your field. - revised

The most comprehensive concept of "well-being" involves four dimensions: emotional well-being (subjective well-being), psychological well-being, social well-being and ecological well-being. Unfortunately, it turned out that the well-being factors can be in contradiction to each other.

Miloš Vojtěchovský is a curator, art historian, and audiovisual artist. In 1992 he founded the Hermit Foundation, later the Center for Metamedia in Plasy Monastery. Together with Peter Cusack started up the ongoing project Favourite Sounds of Prague He curated the Czech section in the international networking project Soundexchange and co-curated the symposium and festival vs. Interpretation held in Prague, 2016 by the Agosto Foundation and the Frontiers of Solitude project - 2015 - 2017. Other projects include: Deep Space Gateway, Soundworms Ecology Gathering, 2017, and Architecture and the Senses, 2018.

11 -13 WALKS: field recordings with local guides in the (un)natural environment

13-14 Lunch

15 - 18 Joanna Wyrwa: Echoes of nature, or developing somatic and embodied relationships to audio making. "Canceled"

Joanna is PhD candidate at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. The topic of her doctoral dissertation concerns the assessment of the soundscape of urban green areas in the context of spatial planning. Her research oscillates between the humanities and natural sciences, education, and social geog-raphy. I am the author of a sensory multimedia project “Sensescape of Low-er Silesia” and the president of the Foundation for Landscape.



By the way, who is making sound art in the countryside?

CENSE: to be or not to be?

Wednesday 21/08: SLOW DEPARTURES

Questions, don't hesitate to email:

We start the days with a collective breakfast and planning. And gather late afternoon at the salad-soup-bar for socializing and sharing experiences.

Participants / organizers:

Givan Béla (bartok) - KRA Anne Wellmer, Den Haag Lenka Dolanová - Chotěboř, KRA Jonáš Gruska - LOM, Bratislava Ester - LOM, Bratislava Miloš Vojtěchovský - zvukac, CENSE Vítězslav Homolka - Butulab Jan Polívka, Butulab Mydla - SCPTU (Sonic Canine Planetary Trade Union)

Thanks to Lucie a František Pelouchovi from Zastráň Vegetable Farm for catering!!

Main organizer: Gívan Belá (fka Guy Van Belle was born in Belgium but moved to Central Europe after the milenium bug. Involved in experimental music since puberty, and retired from the arts since 2022, after a 22h homage to the first 20th century performing sound artist Arsenij Avraamov ('Symphony of Sirens', Baku 1922 - 100 years celebration) and Notker the Stammerer, ardent supporter of the now forgotten atekstalis genre and composer of the revolutionary polyphonic antifon Media vita in morte sumus (St. Gallen 912, 1010 years ago). Changed styles and definitions from Psycho-acoustic to Electronic to Digital to Multimedia to Interactive to Web/Network to Sound to Eko/Bio to Science to (finally) No Art. As a side hobby was organizing eko-techno-countryside residencies in Hranice/Vysočina (, running a very very local makerspace (, writing his memoirs calling it 'the biggest lies about the world and artists I can remember'. Was a founding member of the virtual off-grid online band Rural Development, the abstract dead metal band Digital Death & Afterlife, and the elektro-skiffle band Ostropest. Like Bela Bartok he considered field recordings the best representations of sound which is music. Because everything can then be recorded differently and still be authentic.

KRA – Kravín Rural Arts is situated in the Vysočina region of the Czech Republic – a hilly area of Železné hory (Iron mountains) – in a small village Hranice u Malče. KRA is establishing longer term programs with artists and other organizations in the countryside, interested in an ecological reconversion of the (media) arts. Apart from its own thematic lines, KRA is welcoming individual and group initiatives that are conform with its mission, and are interested in artistic-ecological research and development with a strong multidisciplinary nature. The future is the countryside, countrywide!

KRA = “floe” or “iceberg”, an allusion to ecology and climatic changes

KRÁ = “kaw” or “kaah” relates to raven as a symbol of art, playfulness and creativity. Ravens, among the few wild animals, make their own tools to play with. Raven in mythology are often a tricksters, disobeying rules and conventional behavior.

KRAVÍN (cowshed). Because it is to cows we are indebted for this place. … for the past actions and events you can go to: Yo-Yo, home of the infamous and irreplacable RurArtMap!

KRA partners include:

Zastráň Vegetable Farm

Zastávka 194 Chotěboř

His Voice Magazine

LOM label Bratislava

Central European Network for Acoustic Ecologies - CENSE
