Regular Meeting of the Board

The board is public, anybody can participate.
You are welcome to join the webmeeting here. The meeting starts at 0900 CEST.
Previously, the board agreed:
- Csaba will find out, where if we must open Austrian bank account for CENSE
- The treasurer and the deputy treasurer is Šárka and Annamaria
- If there is a tie in voting, one member of the board will volunteer not to vote
- Board meetings agenda is prepared by the moderator
- Meetings will be on Zoom platform (Jan or Csaba will provide a link each time)
- There are active members of CENSE and supporting members. Active members pay the annual fee of 30Eur.
Jan Krtička suggests this agenda for the Thursday meeting:
- Discuss and Confirm the board member roles and their duties
- Discussion on the date, the location and the organizer of the planned 2021 CENSE Conference / Gathering
Moderator June 3rd: Miloš Vojtěchovský
Confirmed board members: Anamaria. Sárka. Csaba, Polina, Milos, absent: Jan
Discussion platform: