REVEIL 11 - 2024

BROADCAST starts: SATURDAY 4 MAY at 06:00 (your location UTC+2)
REVEIL is a 24 +1 hour live radio programme, assembled and broadcast from a temporary station at Stave Hill Ecological Park in Rotherhithe. This is also the site of the longest running soundcamp. Real time streams are supplied by contributors around the world at daybreak. The primary feed is hosted by Wave Farm in the Upper Hudson Valley, New York, and aired by our UK broadcast partners Resonance FM / Extra in London UK and a collection of FM and netradio stations.
Streams come from a variety of locations and situations, at a time of day when many people are unaccustomed to be up and out, but sounds are vivid, especially in Spring. The Reveil broadcast makes room by largely avoiding speech and music, gravitating to places where human and non human communities meet and soundworlds overlap.
Each stream adds to and alters the loop.
REVEIL has become a habit and a practice of sharing sounds of places as first light arrives.
See the list of locations and streamer(s) and asociatives:
Kozmic Meadows, Czech Republic
Streamers: Peter Cusack, Michal Kindernay, Magdaléna Manderlová, Lucie Páchová, Martin Režný, Tomáš Šenkyřík, Šárka Zahálková Broadcast time (your location UTC+2): SUN 04:40 - SUN 05:15
node9.lab Slaviky, Czech Republic
Streamers: Michal Klodner, Miloš Vojtěchovský Broadcast time (your location UTC+2): SUN 04:56 - SUN 05:32
A backyard in Berlin Neukölln
Streamer(s): unosonic - udo noll URL: Broadcast time (your location UTC+2): SUN 04:47 - SUN 05:26
Liberec-Radčice, Czech Republic
Streamer: Jan Krtička URL: liberec_v_rokli_liberec.mp3 Broadcast time (your location UTC+2): SUN 04:48 - SUN 05:25
House of Arts, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Streamer(s): Jan Krtička
URL: Broadcast time (your location UTC+2): SUN 04:53 - SUN 05:29
Hranice KRA Chotěboř, Czech Republic
Streamer: Guy van Belle, The New Rural Development URL: (mobile_kra.ogg) Broadcast time (your location UTC+2): SUN 04:50 - SUN 05:26
Skaftfell Art Center Seyðisfjorður, Iceland
Streamer(s): Jan Krtička URL: seyðisfjorður_skaftfell.mp3 Broadcast time (your location UTC+2):SUN 04:40 - SUN 06:01 Coordinates: +65.261608°, -13.99790°
Krater, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Streamer(s): Brane Zorman, Urška Savič, Irena Pivka, Matej Tomažin URL: [animotmuzik]animotmuzik.ogg Broadcast time (your location UTC+2):SUN 05:09 - SUN 05:41 Coordinates: +46.067547°, +14.511281°
Mooste, Estland
Streamers: John Grzinich
and others
BROADCAST ENDS SUN 5 MAY 07:00 (your location UTC+2)