Robertina Šebjanič

Robertina Šebjanič (Slovenia) is an artist whose work explores the biological, chemical, (geo)political and cultural realities of aquatic environments and the impact of humanity on other organisms. Her projects call for the development of empathetic strategies aimed at recognising the rights of other (non-human) enteties. She is a member of Hackteria Network and Theremidi Orchestra. She was awarded an Honorary Mention @Prix Ars Electronica 2016, nominated for STARTS2016 and for the White Aphroid award. She is part of SHAPE2017 platform. Robertina is an internationally exhibited artist. She has performed / presented / exhibited at solo and group exhibitions as well as in galleries, biennials, triennials and festivals: Ars electronica_Linz, Kosmica_Mexico City, Le Cube_Paris, Art Laboratory Berlin, Piksel_Bergen, Device art Zagreb & Eastern Bloc Montreal, Eyebeam New York, PORTIZMIR#3 Izmir, Kiblix festival in Maribor, Gallery Kapelica in Ljubljana. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (SI),Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts (SI) and the Valand School of Fine Arts (SE). In her analysis of the Anthropocene and its theoretical framework, the artist uses the terms “aquatocene” and “aquaforming” to refer to the human impact on marine environments. Her works received awards and nominations at Prix Ars Electronica, Starts Prize, Falling Walls. Her art work Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator (artist proof) is since 2019 part of the New Art Electronic Art Collection, Spain.