2021 Sanatorium of Sound in Sokolowsko, Poland

Sunday August 15th at 3 pm is scheduled the presentation of Peter Cusack and Miloš Vojtěchovský in the park
Central European Network For Sonic Ccologies - Artist Talk
Just beyond the birches of the Czech-Polish border around Mt. Spitzberg, the road running along the ridge turns sharply toward the Polish side, and steeply winds down through the dense mixed forest. In a short while, you are almost slipping and sliding down to the foot of the hills. Here lies Sokolowsko, in a lush, narrow valley, just 2 km from the border. A former spa town, with today only 1000 inhabitants, its name is still uttered among certain circles in Wroclaw and Warsaw. This is not a recent development, either; though in the past its name meant something different.
Sára Vybíralová
Sound Art and Experimental Music Make for a Surprising Boom in the Forest
Sanatorium of Sound is a festival devoted to experimental contemporary music and broadly understood sound art. Its main goal is to present the widest possible spectrum of phenomena related to the development of musical forms in the 20th and 21st centuries. Thus far, we have shown the works of about 200 artists from around the world, many of them were created especially in the context of the place during artist residencies in Sokołowsko.
Sanatorium of Sound is a festival whose greatest value is presenting the art of sound and all-new experimental forms in the context of its location – a spa town situated in the Central Sudetes. The landscape of the mountains surrounding Sokołowsko, the post-German 19th-century architecture and marvellous air has always been the inseparable attributes of concerts, exhibitions and any other reflection on new trends in contemporary music. This time it could not be different. Let us hope that the global crisis is behind us and that this year we shall meet again: close to nature, close to music, close to each other, responding to the post-pandemic effect of the need for an authentic experience. We’re back to normal.
Katarzyna Krakowiak Biliana Voutchkova Peter Ablinger Burkhard Beins Aleksandra Słyż Edka Jarząb Tatiana Heuman Joanna Halszka Sokołowska Hugo Esquinca Mario de Vega Gerard Lebik Miloš Vojtěchovský Peter Cusack Lubomir Grzelak Tim Shaw Katarzyna Podpora/Max Kohyt Wojciech Kucharczyk Justyna Banaszczyk/Darek Pietraszewski/Tomek Popakul
For accommodation contact us at: sanatoriumdzwieku@gmail.com
The Sanatorium Sound Festival is not only a concerts, but also a series of projects in the field of sound art, performance and projects created and dedicated especially to this event by musicians, composers, and interdisciplinary creators. The festival takes place in several places in Sokołowsko (Kinoteatr Zdrowie, Sala Multimedialna, Park Zdrojowy or the ruins of a 19th-century sanatorium). Every year, our festival gathers over 400 recipients from all over the world, we are visited by an exceptional audience, music lovers.