
Sonambiente was a sound art festival held twice in Berlin (9 August - 8 September 1996), (1 June - 16 July 2006) and in 2021. The 1996 edition was part of the Academy of Arts' tricentennial celebration and presented the most comprehensive survey to date of contemporary international sound art. During the four weeks, some 50,000 visitors experienced works by more than 100 participating artists at more than 20 venues in Berlin's Mitte district. The 2006 edition included installations, objects, performances, happenings visual art, sound art, video, new media, radio art, film. Over 40 internationally artists and some 20 up-and-coming art school talents. At five central venues and other locales throughout the centre of Berlin. Artistic directors and curatores: Matthias Osterwold and Georg Weckwerth.
Catalogues: Akademie der Künste Berlin (ed.), Klangkunst, Munich: Prestel, 1996, 303 pp. (German) Helga de la Motte-Haber, Matthias Osterwold, Georg Weckwerth (eds.), Sonambiente Berlin 2006: Klang Kunst Sound Art, Heidelberg: Kehrer, with Berlin: Akademie der Künste, 2006, 408 pp. (German)/(English) Texts by Helga de la Motte-Haber, Christian Scheib, Gerhard Rühm, Christoph Cox, Claudia Tittel, Rolf Langebartels, Uwe Rüth, Sabine Sanio, Marion Saxer, Sabine Breitsameter, Akio Suzuki, Andres Bosshard, Khaled Saleh, Detlev Ipsen, Gordon Monahan, Julie H. Reiss, Raimar Stange, Lutz Fahrenkrog-Petersen, Rolf Großmann, Nicolas Collins, Jörg Stelkens, Paul B. Davis, Sven König, Golo Föllmer, Gerhard Eckel, Stefan Weinzierl + Kees Tazelaar, Christopher Frauenberger, Frieder Butzmann, Markus Bodden, Nele Hertling.