The Journal of Sonic Studies

The Journal of Sonic Studies. The main purpose of Murray Schafer’s work was to study the dynamic interaction between the sonic environment, the socio-cultural milieu, and the individual listener as well as the (conscious and unconscious) effects sound has on human behavior. This might be regarded as the purpose of sonic studies in general today and it is also the primary aim of the Journal of Sonic Studies (JSS): how can we understand the impact and importance of sound, both on an individual and a general cultural level? JSS thus provides a platform for theorists and artists who would like to present relevant work regarding the sonic environment.
JSS presents, stimulates, and brings together a versatility of possible approaches. That is why it pays attention to the sonic design of consumer articles (cars, washing machines, coffee-makers) as well as to the influence of hearing on the relation between mother and fetus; to urban noise pollution as well as the use of sonic weapons in war zones; from interventions in public space by sound artists as well as the effects of background music in shopping malls.
JSS offers the possibility to present new insights into the relation between sonority and (the deconstruction of) identity, the concept of space, the influence of digital technology, urban planning, deafness, etc. It covers both the material production and active consumption of sound (including music, noise and “silence”) and the bio-cultural meaning of sound and listening. In this way, JSS contributes to a rethinking of the relation between acoustics and society.
JSS advocates multidisciplinary research and is open for knowledge from various fields of study; from history to philosophy, sociology and anthropology; from medical studies to architecture, legal and technical sciences; from ecology to sound art, performance and media studies; etc.
The Journal of Sonic Studies is an Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access. Also, no article submission or processing charges apply.
Marcel Cobussen Philosopher and musician. Teaches Music Philosophy and Sound Studies at Leiden University, the Netherlands, Department of Humanities.
Vincent Meelberg Philosopher, musicologist, and musician. Teaches at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Department of Literary and Cultural Studies.
Jordan Lacey works at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. His research is located at the interface of sonic arts and urban design, investigating the role of sound installations in the development of creative cites and improved social health and wellbeing.
Sharon Stewart Musician and educator. She has a private piano practice and guest lectures at the University of Utrecht and University College Utrecht.
Alexandra Supper is an assistant professor at the Department of Technology and Society Studies, Maastricht University. She does research at the intersection between science & technology studies (STS) and sensory studies.