Twillight/Dawn: REVEIL 9 — open call for streams

Cense Network invites you to take part this year again in the collaborative planetary streaming and listening project REVEIL 9.
Soundcamp 2022 is a festival of the project Acoustic Commons and Full Of Noises + Locus Sonus + CONA + HMU + Cyberforest network From Saturday, 30 April 05:00 UTC+1 until Sunday, 1 May 06:00 UTC+1
Main physical space is at Stave Hill Ecological Park in London
Check the list of soundcamps around the globe
- Tomáš Šenkyřík:::Židlochovice Sounds from my garden
This year I broadcast from our garden to point to the level of bioiversity. We designed the garden so that it is friendly to birds and insects. Every year, common starlings nest in an old apple tree. The garden turtle nested on an old apricot for the first time. Or for the first time, a common redstart nested in an old drainage pipe.
- Tomáš Šenkyřík ::: Brno Park Lužánky
Since March 2021, we are broadcasting from Lužánecký Park in Brno continuously via locus sonus
- Sonicity::: Černý most - Praha is mapping soundscapes of Prague since 2008. The Prague Soundcamp 2022 is related again to the Bio Troja project, but the location is rather unstable. Lets hope it will work out in Black Bridge. homeradio CENSE Bohemian Unit
Jan Krtička, Polina Khatsenka ::: Löblhof & Artgrund Löblhof & Artgrund is a cultural space in the countryside of Northern Bohemia. Backed up by phonon~ crew a group of sound enthusiast from Faculty of Art and Design JEPU are going to set up a stream in the hills next to the site. Stream will be accompanied by a Saturday program: a movie projection, sound walking and a field-recording session.
John Grzinich Taavi Suisalu, Veljo Runnel, EKA students ::: Remote Estonia Põlva
This year we will be making a small sound camp at a 'forest hut' in the Kiidjärve–Kooraste Recreation Area of Põlva county in south Estonia. The camp will involve artists, naturalists and students from the Estonian Academy of Arts. The soundscape will include fauna from the nearby bogs and lakes.
- Carina Pesch/Geräuschkulisse:::Leipzig
Sunday 5:05 to 5:43 a.m. We are going to stream during sunrise with Chris Watson and the participants of our CATCHING SOUNDS II workshop for Soundtent and Reveil 9 – an acoustic circumnavigation of the earth for dawn chorus day, 24 hours songs for sunrise once around the globe. With Chris Watson, Emilie Wright, Guy Fixsen, Ana Roman, Laura Dng, Lefteris Krysalis, Rupert Jaud, Markus Andreas, Connie F Müller, Frank Schubert, Alejandro Weyler, Fiona Patten, Katja Stamm, Daniel Fischer, Hendrik Walcher, Patrick Franke, Lena Löhr, Martina H. Weber, Clemens Pitschke, Carina Pesch. CATCHING SOUNDS program
- Brane Zorman::: Molat island, Croatia
Facing north from Jazi beach one can see Island Pag and Velebit mountains. As such it is very often to hit by strong northern bura (bora) winds from Velebit, and offering shelter from south "jugo" winds. Molat-Zadar program CONA
- unosonic - udo noll ::: Berlin
The near-natural Königsheide is a mixed forest, mainly consisting of oaks and pines. Originally it was connected to the Köllnische Heide. Königsheide serves as a popular local recreation area for the population of Treptow-Köpenick and Neukölln. However, the characteristic woodland and heath areas also represent an important natural habitat for rare plant species. To the north is the imposing former GDR children's home Makarenko, which is now used as a residential building., field radio
- Peter Cusack ::: Das Nasse Dreieck, Berlin
Das Nasse Dreieck (The Wet Triangle) - formerly part of Berlin Wall death strip - is a rather hidden green space bounded on two sides by busy rail lines and and on the third by well fenced allotments. The entrance is tucked away out of easy sight and one gets the feeling that only locals know it. Kids play here after school - there is a great climbing tree - otherwise it is a dog walking domain. As the name suggests the ground is pretty soggy, pools form at the slightest suspicion of rain and footsteps squelch. Clumps of low trees and thorny bushes are home for chattering sparrows, crows, magpies. Trains sing or rumble past, distant building sites and bells sound from afar. Over time the presence of close birds, sub base freight trains and the distant city gives every possible mix from urban soups to transparent spatial perspectives. Das Nasse Dreieck
- Guy van Belle :::mobile - kra, Vysočina, Bohemia,
KRA stands for the future in ecology, art and media. To build this, KRA is inviting (not only) artists from various disciplines, working with various tools and media (low-power electronics, sound and music, performances, texts of all kinds presumably experimental, architecture, plants, images, mud grass and other objects, from micro to macro and beyond. We expect activities, which (have to) lead to a finished installation, an exhibition, or any artwork, but that are related to a new kind of presence in the environment. Something avoiding intrusiveness but unseen before altogether mobile_kra.ogg
- Michal Kindernay ::: Skryje radio, Bohemia
The characteristics of the sound are notably rural with a large variety of natural sounds including many birds - a rare White-tailed eagle nests on the rocks below the house in the valley, just above the Berounka river. The area around the village is protected and so a lot of unique species are present. You might also hear insects, cattle, dogs, horses and the sounds of a colorful village life. There is a strong dynamic contrast between daytime and nighttime sounds and a sense of sense of depth - in the foreground you will hear sounds of the farm and in the background sounds of the village and a valley in which a small river runs. In a sense this soundscape says a lot about rural areas in Czech Republic in general; areas which are rich in terms of natural sounds but often disturbed by the noise of traffic or agriculture machinery. Skryje radio
- Slavek Kwi - uni.sol, County Clare, Ireland
uni.Sol_initiative is aspiring to be all-inclusive and ever-evolving project exploring the potential of extrasensory communication in purpose to facilitate deeper connection in between all entities. An intention to explore and implement the idea of freedom, to enhance an awareness of human relationship with surrounding environment through practice of listening. introduction
Petra Kapš ::: Slovenia
Anamaria Pravicencu / SEMI SILENT ::: Cișmigiu Garden, Bucharest, Romania
The streaming is made during a public listening session followed by a discussion with Georgian Constantin, an amateur ornithologist, bird photographer, and neighbor. Event organized together with Cișmigiu Civic Initiative
Reveil makes a 24+1 hour loop of earth, travelling west on live audio feeds sent in by streamers at daybreak from their locations.
Reveil brings city yards, remote rural sites, fresh and salt water bodies into communication, creating a collective audit of planetary soundworlds over one earth day.
For details on running a stream with a phone, laptop or Raspberry Pi, see Stream
To let us know you're joining, please sign up. You can also go ahead and create a stream page, which will be featured during the broadcast and join the Reveil archive.
We look forward to your sounds.
Reveil will be mixed by Fernando Godoy (Tsonami, Chile), Leah Barclay (Biosphere Soundscapes, Queensland) and Maria Papadomanolaki (Soundcamp, Crete). Reveil is assembled at Stave Hill Ecological Park (TCV) in London from 05:00 UTC+1 on Saturday 30th April to 06:00 on Sunday 1st May.
Streams are available on the Icecast server and public soundmap by Locus Sonus (ESAAIX). The main feed is hosted by Wave Farm WGXC in Acra NY and broadcast over 20+ FM and net radio stations around the world. Our broadcast partner in London is Resonance Extra.
Reveil 9 is produced with the Acoustic Commons network:
For details see: