Viv Corringham is a British vocalist and sound artist, active since the late 1970s. Her work includes concerts, soundwalks, radio works and multi-channel installations. She is interested in exploring people's sense of place and the link with personal history and memory.
She received two Composer Fellowships from McKnight Foundation, through American Composers Forum. She has an MA Sonic Art from Middlesex University, London. She studied and worked with Pauline Oliveros for many years and holds a Certificate to teach Deep Listening. She facilitates workshops in listening and sounding, most recently in Hong Kong, London, Bangalore, New York, Kolkata and Manila.
Her work has received international recognition and been presented in twenty six countries. Recent work has been presented at Harvestworks Flow Festival, Governors Island NY, Issue Project Room New York Electronic Art Festival, Hong Kong Arts Centre Multichannel Festival, Fonoteca Nacional de Mexico, Universities in Bangalore, Calcutta and Delhi, Ftarri Tokyo, Cafe Oto London, Ohrenhoch Sound Gallery Berlin, Taipei University Taiwan, Shantou University China, Onassis Centre Athens Borderline Festival, Institute of Contemporary Art London Soundworks Festival, Brussels Tempo al Tempo Festival, London Discovery Festival, Echoes from Invisible Landscapes Festival Alp-Adriatic Region and Superbudda Torino.