Maja Bjelica, PhD, is an associate researcher at the Science and Research Centre Koper’s Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies, Slovenia. Currently she is working on the research programme on liminal spaces in areas of cultural and societal cohabitation in the age of risk and vulnerability, and a research project on saltmaking as experiential environmental wisdom. She obtained her doctoral degree at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska, Slovenia, with the dissertation “A Philosophical-anthropological Study of the Possibilities of the Ethics of Hospitality: Breath, Silence and Listening in Spaces of Intersubjectivity”.

She transdisciplinarily cross-pollinates research in themes of ethics of listening, ecoethnography, (applied) ethnomusicology, community music, environmental humanities.

She participated at the Beyond Listening Conference in Budapest 2023 and at the Festival (O)pot in Ljublana 2024.

Research Centre Koper’s Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies