Susana Jiménez Carmona

Susana Jiménez Carmona is a researcher and sound artist. With a degree in philosophy and a PhD in human sciences and culture, she teaches in the master’s degree in sound art at the University of Barcelona. Her work, of a collaborative nature, has been shown in spaces such as the Reina Sofía Museum, CaixaForum, Madrid; CentroCentro, Matadero Madrid; Université Paris 8, C3A, Córdoba; Mihacale, León; the Tsonami Festivals, Valparaíso; Creatures, Seville); and Radiophrenia, Glasgow, or in radio spaces such as wi watt’heure and pi-radio, France; Radio Bloc Oral, Montréal; La Casa del Sonido, Radio Clásica; Ciencia Fricción, Bilbao. Between 2010 and 2016 she promoted and coordinated “El paseo de Jane” in Madrid.
She is the author of the book Luigi Nono Por una escucha revuelta (Akal, 2023) and has published articles about musicians and artists such as Jana Winderen, Félix Blume, Janet Cardiff, Ultra-red, Morton Feldman, Hildergard Westerkamp, and Pablo Sanz.