Anna Kvíčalová (1986) is a historian of science, religion and the senses. She studied in Brno, Amsterdam and Berlin; between 2013 and 2017 she was a member of the research group Epistemes of Modern Acoustics at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. She is the author of Listening and Knowledge in Reformation Europe (Palgrave, 2019) and other texts on sound, hearing and acoustics. Currently she is the leader of the research project The Second Sense: Sound, Hearing and Nature in Czech Modernity at the Centre for Theoretical Study (Charles University & the Czech Academy of Sciences) in Prague.

Historical articulations of aurality show us the listener emerging from complex relations with the resonating, ever-changing world. Thinking with sound in arts and sciences may contribute creatively to exploring, permeating, and redrawing the modern boundaries between the human and the non-human, culture and nature, or subjects and objects, the boundaries we have come to see as fixed.